Based on projections from the National Retail Federation (NRF), Las Vegas consumers are on track to spend $31.7-billion with retailers by the end of this year. This would be 13.5% higher than was spent in 2020.
To earn a significant share of these retail dollars, Las Vegas area business owners are expected to spend $775-million to advertise by year's end, according to Borrell Associates. This company tracks advertising expenditures in local markets across the U.S.
To ensure they are spending their advertising and marketing dollars wisely, many Las Vegas business owners research how to best target prospective customers by using local media. An exceptional resource for local business owners to investigate the media habits of localconsumers is on the advice section of
Here are the top five most-read articles on the site in 2021:
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According to Nielsen, 386,216 Las Vegas consumers listened to or downloaded a podcast during the past 30 days. This is 21.7% of the adult population.
A podcast is a downloadable digital audio file available to listeners on an internet-connected device like a smartphone, tablet, or computer. These files are typically part of series focusing on a particular theme such as true crime, professional football, politics, or pop culture.
Las Vegas consumers can listen to their favorite podcasts whenever they choose using apps like Spotify, Pandora, Google, and Stitcher. The most used podcasting app, though, is Apple Podcasts.
Research from indicates that Las Vegas consumers can access more than 2,000,000 podcast series comprising over 48,000,000 unique episodes. According to data compiled by Edison research, the top 10 podcasts during the second quarter of 2021 were:
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Since 1930 when KGIX-AM signed on, local small business owners have been advertising on Las Vegas radio to market the goods and services they sell.
Lately, some of these advertisers are voicing concerns, though, that the accelerating use of smart speakers could erode the effectiveness of commercials on local stations. Current research, however, reveals that these devices actually extend the reach of the medium and its ad content.
More than 472,150 consumers in Las Vegas have a smart speaker in their homes, according to Nielsen. This is 26.5% of the local adult population.
Smart speakers are internet-enabled devices controlled by spoken commands and capable of streaming audio content, relaying information, and communicating with other devices.
According to the Cooperative Institutional Research Program (CIRP) data, Amazon Echo (aka Alexa) accounts for 69% of all smart speakers in use. Google's smart speaker makes up another 20% of the market. The remaining 11% of the market comprises Apple Home (aka Siri), Sonos, and Bose.
Las Vegas consumers can use their smart speakers to accomplish a diverse range of tasks, including accessing news, weather, and sports information; turning on lights in the house; shopping; and food delivery.
The most common use of a smart speaker, though, is streaming audio, including Las Vegas radio stations, according to eMarketer. Edison Research's Share of Ear Study indicates that consumers devote 13% of their total time using a smart speaker listening to AM/FM radio stations. This is second only to the time spent listening to Amazon Music at 19%.
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amazon echo,
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Las Vegas business owners are expected to spend $147,740,000 on streaming video advertising in 2021, according to Borrell Associates, a company that tracks online marketing expenditures across the country. This spending will be 30.9% higher than in 2020.
Streaming video advertising expenditures are accelerating as Las Vegas consumers continue to abandon shows on local TV stations and cable systems in favor of programming streamed via an internet connection. These online channels include Netflix, Hulu, Prime, Disney+, Paramount+, Peacock, Prime Video, Roku Channel, SlingTV, PlutoTV, and dozens more.
This type of streamed video content is known collectively as OTT (Over-The-Top-Television) or CTV (Connected-Television). These two terms are sometimes used interchangeably but do have a subtle difference.
OTT generally means the video is watched on a small device like a computer, tablet, or smartphone. CTV, on the other hand, typically means the content is viewed on a smart-TV or a regular television using a streaming device like a Roku or Amazon stick.
In Las Vegas, according to Nielsen, OTT/CTV has exceeded the weekly reach of local newspapers and streaming audio services such as Pandora and Spotify. The medium is rapidly approaching the reach of local cable and broadcast TV stations.
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television advertising,
online advertising,
internet advertising,
digital advertising,
streaming audio,
cable TV,
Streaming Video,
streaming media,
streaming TV
According to Nielsen, 1.7 million adults in the Las Vegas area have access to the internet, equivalent to 97.2% of the population. On average, local consumers are spending 10.8 hours per week online.
Las Vegas millennials, the first generation that grew up in a digital world, spend considerably more time online. Nielsen reports that, on average, Las Vegas's 25-39-year-old consumers are clocking 13.6 hours connected to the internet.
So, how are Las Vegas consumers spending their time online?
According to Nielsen, streaming audio and video content, social networking, checking the weather, and banking are the top online activities for Las Vegas consumers each month.
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online advertising,
internet advertising,
digital advertising,
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streaming audio,
social media,
Streaming Video,
online shopping
Each week, according to Nielsen, 68.6% of Las Vegas consumers watch video programs that aren't delivered over-the-air by local TV stations. They aren't coming from a local cable company or by satellite. Instead, these programs are being streamed directly to viewers via an internet connection.
This type of streamed video content is called OTT (Over-The-Top-Television) or CTV (Connected-Television). These two terms are sometimes are often used interchangeably but do have a subtle difference.
OTT generally means the video is watched on a small device like a computer, tablet, or smartphone. CTV, on the other hand, typically means the content is viewed on a smart-TV or a regular television using a streaming device like a Roku or Amazon stick.
In Las Vegas, OTT/CTV has exceeded the weekly reach of local newspapers and streaming audio services such as Pandora and Spotify. The medium is rapidly approaching the reach of local cable and broadcast TV stations.
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las vegas small business owner,
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Streaming Video,
Las Vegas area business owners are expected to invest $473-million during 2021 to advertise to consumers connected to the internet. This forecast was produced by Borrell Associates, a company that tracks business advertising expenditures across the country.
These online marketing dollars will be spent on banner advertising, search engine marketing, email, as well as audio and video advertising. This is all to capture the attention of shoppers and buyers as they go about their connected days.
According to Nielsen, 96% of adult consumers in the Las Vegas area have access to the internet. They connect, primarily, with desktop and laptop computers; smartphones; or tablets.
Ninety-four percent of Las Vegas adults spend at least one hour per week online, with most spending at least 10 hours connected.
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las vegas small business owner,
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online shopping
Las Vegas shoppers are expected to spend a record $5.5 billion online in 2020, based on the most recent projections from eMarketer. This would represent year-over-year growth of 32.4%.
During the same period, according to eMarketer, receipts at brick-and-mortar stores have contracted by 3.2%. Overall, excluding gas and auto sales, e-commerce will account for 20.6% of all retail sales this year.
The Coronavirus pandemic is credited with this seismic shift in shopping behavior as consumers continue to avoid stores and opt for online shopping.
“We’ve seen e-commerce accelerate in ways that didn’t seem possible last spring, given the extent of the economic crisis,” said Andrew Lipsman, eMarketer principal analyst at Insider Intelligence. “While much of the shift has been led by essential categories like grocery, there has been surprising strength in discretionary categories like consumer electronics and home furnishings that benefited from pandemic-driven lifestyle needs.”
Even before the onset of the pandemic, 75.9% of Las Vegas consumers had bought goods online over the prior six months, according to Nielsen research. Purchases included clothing, health & beauty products, travel reservations, books, furniture, and groceries.
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Facebook usage has swelled since the onset of the Covid-19.
According to Nielsen, before the current chaos, 65% of Clark County adults used Facebook each month. This was significantly fewer than were reached by local radio, for instance.
According to the New York Times, however, since the start of the Coronavirus, daily Facebook traffic has increased by 27%. This compares to 33% growth in the amount of time consumers spend listening to local radio during a similar period.
Based on the surge in Facebook consumption, Las Vegas small business owners might be tempted to purchase advertising on the social media platform to augment their regular, free postings. Here are are few facts these businesses should consider before investing.
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radio advertising,
online advertising,
digital advertising,
social media advertising,
best way to advertise,
facebook advertising,
small business,
social media
The chaos created in Clark County by the onset of Coronavirus has been a disruptive force among consumers.
Work routines, buying habits, family life, and media consumption have all been palpably affected. These are all factors that need to be considered by small business owners who continue to advertise their goods and services during the crisis.
Before the current chaos, advertising on Las Vegas radio, by any metric, was the best way a local small business could advertise.
For instance, pre-Coronavirus, 1.5 million adult consumers tuned-in to a Las Vegas radio station every week. This is significantly more than watched local TV, read a newspaper, accessed social media, or streamed audio from sites like Pandora and Spotify.
New research released from Nielsen indicates that amidst the current crisis, listening to local radio remains little changed. This is great news for those Nevada small business owners who are depending on advertising for their long-term survival.
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television advertising,
radio advertising,
online advertising,
digital advertising,
social media advertising,
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small business,
streaming audio,
covid 19,
crisis marketing