The chaos created in Clark County by the onset of Coronavirus has been a disruptive force among consumers.
Work routines, buying habits, family life, and media consumption have all been palpably affected. These are all factors that need to be considered by small business owners who continue to advertise their goods and services during the crisis.
Before the current chaos, advertising on Las Vegas radio, by any metric, was the best way a local small business could advertise.
For instance, pre-Coronavirus, 1.5 million adult consumers tuned-in to a Las Vegas radio station every week. This is significantly more than watched local TV, read a newspaper, accessed social media, or streamed audio from sites like Pandora and Spotify.
New research released from Nielsen indicates that amidst the current crisis, listening to local radio remains little changed. This is great news for those Nevada small business owners who are depending on advertising for their long-term survival.